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This Fundamental What to Look For In Cleaning Process

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

1. Group dirty clothes to be washed according to the color. Dark-colored clothing should be grouped and washed with dark-colored clothing. Light-colored clothing should be grouped with a bright also, this is to anticipate if there is a faded dress and a white mat for mixing that is not appropriate.
2. Get used to reverse the clothes will be washed and while drying for easy color is not faded by washing liquids and sunlight.
3. Do not get used to enter too much into the laundry washing machine. The washing machine is full will work harder and their performance was not optimal, also can damage the engine if the excess weight. In addition, there are dirty clothes in the washing machine can not move properly and cleaning fluid can not clean dirty clothes perfectly, so the results are not perfectly clean.
4. Give the identity of any good clothing per group or per seed, ha is to avoid the risk of clothing exchangable.
5. Wash clothes according to fabric (not all materials can be washed in the washing machine), this is to avoid clothing that is damaged.

Sweat Stains on Hats Cotton

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Because The dirt on the cap is usually dirt and hair oil, it can be washed using a shampoo.

Chewing Gum Stains
    1. Take dyed cotton in a little vinegar, then rub on the stain, it can easily stain will disappear.
    2. Wrap clothing stains then put it in the refrigerator. with so chewing gum will harden, then scrub by hand then stain will disappear.
    3. Marinate clothing with turpentine oil / tusam, then rub results stains will disappear.
    4. scrub stain with a knife and then we coat with egg white while in the scrub, as the last step scrub again with soap and rinse.
Chocolate Stains
Use the towel already dips in warm water then rub the brown stain, then wipe with rub. if you still can not use gasoline.
Milk Stains
Rub the stain with a volatile oil, and then washed clean with warm soapy looking. Warning do not use hot water to clean the stain of milk because milk contains egg whites that will freeze when exposed to heat.

Noda eggs
    1. Soak the stain in warm soapy water containing enzymes, then wash again with ammonia water, then rinse clean.
    2. Yolk stains can be removed with gasoline.
nb: warnings do not use hot water to clean the egg stains.
Butter Stains
Can directly in clean it with tissue, then wash with soap that contains enzymes.

Tips for stain removal can be done

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Stain clothing was almost every day we find, from a mild climb just about the stain due to stubborn stains

Tips for stain removal can be done by:
Remove the stain as soon as possible, should not be delayed again because of lazy.
Identify the types of stains, just take action according to the instructions below
Check clothing care instructions on clothing labels to avoid wrong handling
Use cold water for stains that are not in the know
Use a detergent that is safe
• Check clothing fastness by testing at the folds or the inside of clothing
Rinse and wash clothing after blemishes disappear
Noda Adhesives, Chewing gum, Rubber
Use ice, rub continuously. Place the stained material on the underside of the fabric. Dip the stain remover or dry cleaning fluids are fire resistant, or if the gum was still new, can also be solved with:
Iron the affected gum, lift with a bandage to do over and over and over again until the gum lift.
Baby products, milk, eggs
  Usually, children's clothing very often exposed to milk stains, so clothes will cause yellowish stains. How to clean wash with a detergent containing enzymes, or soak longer with detergent, then add a little alkali in the stain. Rinse with water and finally with sour to neutralize your baby clothes


To be kept clean and charming mukena you must know how to take care of the correct type of fabric.
Mukena a separate property for the woman who had kept her holiness, because with this mukena us to God. Choosing mukena charming, high quality and high-priced may be your choice as a form of high appreciation for worship. But do not forget, the award is meaningless if you can not take care of him. Mukena your fancy or simple, will be as valuable if maintained and used properly.
Three things you should notice is the way of washing, ironing and storing mukena which must be adjusted to fabric. Here are some tips for three types of different materials.
Always make it a habit to read labels that are included in textile products. But in general, cotton is resistant to be washed and dried with a washing machine. The colors on cotton fabric can last longer if you wash it with cold water. The use of bleach can also be used on cotton, just use that too often will damage the fabric fibers. Cotton wrinkle, so it will often to be ironed. Use a lubricant to facilitate the process of ironing clothes. Treatment for cotton is not hard, just keep it in place not moist and protected from direct sun.
Not all silks are dry clean washable. Safest way is to wash the silk with a very gentle detergent (some local brands have issued a product for this), could also use baby soap or shampoo to keep hair natural moisture fabric. Mukena soak in the solution and rinse with cold water. Avoid mukena rubbed and blackmail. Hanging in a place protected from direct sun and let it dry.
Silk ironed on low heat only if necessary alone, with a silk lining mukena be ironed with a thin cloth to prevent the silk from direct heat. Mukena silk should be hung with a special hanger for silk cloth and stored in a place protected from sunlight. Give moisture absorbent and anti-fungal in the store.
Fabric parachute nylon material is included in the leaching and maintenance is easy. Parachute robust enough to be washed with a washing machine, but should not be mixed with other fabrics. Should not use bleach on a parachute material for the parachute fabric fibers are easily damaged. If you dry your parachute material with the machine, choose the lowest heat setting and remove promptly from the machine when finished. This is because the parachute fabric easy to dry, very dry and if the fabric can be bumpy. The use softener when rinsing also can avoid this effect.
Mukena parachute ironed only if the required course, that even with low heat. Nursing mukena parachute is also not difficult, just avoid mukena from direct sunlight and store in a place that is not humid.

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